Monday, July 25, 2011

Birds of a feather…

This posting could alternately be titled, “Ashley needs a gun for self protection because she‘s to dumb to use a map!”

When I first moved to San Antonio I needed to find a doctor. Seems simple enough right? So, I just asked around and scheduled an appointment based on a recommendation. Bad idea… really bad idea. I didn’t Google the address, I didn’t ask questions, I just hopped in the car, put the address in my GPS, and took off for the doctor’s office on the day of my appointment. I live in North San Antonio. When I passed downtown and took a left it should have been a red flag. Southeast San Antonio is about as sketchy as you can possibly get. Long story short, I cried all the way back to my side of town and vowed never to set foot on the Southeast side of town again… unless it was for pizza at Big Lou’s. Anyway, after that fateful day, one would have thought I’d learned my lesson. Always ask where something is located… Google and Yelp are your best friends, use them! Unfortunately, I’m a slow learner. I spent some time on the southeast side of town again today and here’s how it happened… I have a small Groupon addiction… and by small I actually mean completely out of control. A few weeks ago I bought a Groupon to have my hair feathered. I’ve been paying a fortune to have this done in my neighborhood for months now. Generally, I check out the business on Yelp before I purchase a Groupon to make sure I’m getting a good deal. This time however, I skipped Yelp and just clicked purchase. It was such a bargain! I figured it would be located close by or in Alamo Heights… mostly because I assumed that such services would only be offered in posh salons. You know what they say about assuming. For those of you that may not know, hair feathering is this new thing where girls like me who have an irrational fear of permanent hair dye embrace our inner wild child, channel Steven Tyler, and have feather extensions added to our hair. They’re fabulous and super sassy! Plus, you don’t have to wait on it to grow out like you do with hair color… which is a real bonus for impatient people like me. So, this afternoon I set out on my little adventure. I drove, and I drove, and I drove some more. As I approached downtown, I started to get a little twitchy. What had I done?! Sure enough, Fine Feather was located on the dreaded Southeast side of town. Yikes! I considered turning around and requesting a refund from Groupon, but the lure of a head full of colorful feathers simply could not be resisted. I thought perhaps I was lost and had entered the address incorrectly in my GPS when I pulled up here:

Then, I saw the sign cleverly marking this warehouse as the location of Fine Feather. Eek! I text my location to a friend with the instructions to call 911 if she didn’t hear from me in 20 minutes. One would think that if I felt the need to take this precaution, I would have had enough sense to get the heck out of dodge. Wrong. I ventured on into the warehouse area and encountered this:

Eventually I located Fine Feather (a small room with a record player, loads of feathers, and a woman named Rocio who was quite possibly stoned). All things considered, I will give her credit for having a nice selection of feathers:

I set down on the lone stool in the tiny room and let her get to work. In just a few short minutes she was finished and I was sporting a colorful array of feathers in my long locks!

As I sped back to my side of town, I reflected on the important lessons I learned from this little adventure:

#1 - GOOGLE! YELP! MAPQUEST! (It’s a shame I didn’t learn this lesson the first time.)
#2 - Don’t judge a book by it’s cover! I got a sweet deal on some fine feathers, and while Rocio may have been stoned, she was very friendly and quite adept at the whole feathering process. So much so, that I’ll probably go back when it’s time for more feathers!

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