Sunday, August 7, 2011

Psychic Readings By Ashley

Fear is… scary. Duh! It’s also kind of paralyzing, confusing, and miserable. Fear is natural. As humans we all deal with it daily in all kinds of ways. We have teeny tiny fears, gianormous fears, and everything in between. Over the years I’ve discovered I’m not so great at dealing with my fears… especially the biggies. I can’t predict the future, and that makes my fears even more horrifying. I was lost a while back and came across this place:

I remember thinking at the time that if I were psychic, I wouldn’t be lost. To me, fear is kind of like being lost. You don’t have the answers, you don’t know how to get where you’re going, and it’s really frustrating. Thankfully, we don’t need a psychic from the wrong side of the tracks to guide our path, that’s God’s job. Remembering that God has it all under control is the hard part… especially when we’re dealing with fear. I’ve got a whole list of defense mechanisms that I use when I’m scared. I recognize them, but I’m not always good at putting a stop to them, stepping back from the situation, and letting God do His thing. I’m not alone in being fearful of the unknown, I’m generally just a bit more self aware than most people. I got scared today. I panicked just a smidge, I cried a lil bit, and I prayed a whole lot! None of the afore mentioned coping mechanisms did all that much to make me feel better, and deep down I know that it doesn’t matter how scared I am or how hard I try to fight back that fear by employing every defense mechanism in my vast arsenal. The reality is that God’s got a plan, and my silly little insignificant fears aren’t going to get in His way. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a deep breath and a few baby steps, and sometimes the answer isn’t simple at all. The trick is to channel your fear into some good old fashioned faith. Today‘s fear grew from something good… which sounds like an oxymoron for sure. Strangely enough, the majority of my fears are that way… mostly because I spend so much time worrying that my fear is going to create a situation where I screw up something really amazing by using all my not so clever fear fighting tactics. It’s a vicious cycle! In dwelling on today’s fears, I had an epiphany. Stop being scared of what lies ahead and simply enjoy right now. Not knowing how the story ends is terrifying for me (which seems odd given my tendency towards being a bit of a free spirit), but pushing aside those fears in favor of a little faith helps me remember that it doesn’t matter how they story ends as long as God is the one writing it...

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